What to Wear for Your Bluebell Photoshoot

Here are some tips on what clothes people and families could wear for a photoshoot in the bluebell woods

  1. Wear colors that complement the bluebells: Blue is an obvious choice, but also consider pastel shades of pink, lavender, and green. Avoid wearing anything too bright or bold that may clash with the natural surroundings.
  2. Choose comfortable and practical clothing: Bluebell woods can be damp and muddy, so make sure you wear shoes that you don't mind getting dirty. Avoid high heels or anything that may be difficult to walk in.
  3. Dress for the season: wear layers that can be easily removed if it gets warmer. In the woods it can surprisingly warm under the leafy canopy
  4. Coordinate, you don't need to 100% match: Wearing matching outfits for children can look really cute , but coordinating your outfits as a family can make for a cohesive and visually pleasing look. Stick to a color scheme or style that works well together.
  5. Keep accessories simple: In a natural setting like a bluebell wood, accessories should be kept to a minimum.

Overall, the key to dressing for a photoshoot in the bluebell woods is to keep it simple and let the natural beauty of the surroundings shine through.